The Committee on Masonic Education welcomes submission of white papers, research papers, and Masonic education content for warehouse in the Virginia Masonic Academy Library. All submissions will be reviewed by members of the Committee on Masonic Education prior to publication in the library.
Any resource that is submitted to the resource warehouse is subject to the Publications Policy (please carefully review this policy prior to submitting your resource).
To submit a Masonic education resource, please use the form below. Please complete all items in order to facilitate the publication and retention of the resource. The following steps are provided for your use:
- Title: Complete the Title block to name your resource. The Title will be retained as the title listed in the resource library once the document is published.
- Content: The content block serves as the description for your resource. Do not paste the content into this space. Please provide a 100-word summary or abstract of the resource in this space.
- Excerpt: This block may be utilized to provide a short excerpt from the document or resource that you want to highlight. This block is optional. You do not have to provide an excerpt; however, if you choose to provide an excerpt please be sure this is copied directly from the document and is surrounded in quotations (” “).
- Document Link: This block is where you will upload the actual document for review. In the dropdown, select “File Upload.” An option will appear under the dropdown to allow you to attach the resource to the entry. Select “Choose file” to open a window and locate the file on your computer. After selecting the file on your computer, the file should appear beside the icon “Choose file.”
- Category: If you know what category your resource belongs in, use this dropdown to select a category. Note – The category may be changed during the review process.
- Tags: If your resource has specific keywords you would like to feature, please use the Tags dropdown to select tags related to the resource. If there are new tags you would like to suggest, please note these in the Content space.
- Authors: Please enter the resource author name. If the author name is not in the library, please note the addition of the author name to the Content block.
- Submit Document: Once all items are completed, please click “Submit Document.” Once this is completed, the resource will be reviewed by the Committee on Masonic Education.