Correspondence Courses


The Committee on Masonic Education is responsible for fostering Masonic education and proudly presents this program on self-improvement to all Master Masons within the Grand Jurisdiction of Virginia. This program has been developed to assist the individual Mason, as well as the Blue Lodge.

A well-rounded Mason will use this program as but one method of improving himself. When these Masonic Leadership & Correspondence Courses are taken together with the Training for the Subordinate Lodge Officer (SLOT), Area Mini-Conferences, the educational opportunities afforded by your District Educational Officer and your Lodge Educational Officer, and other programs and publications offered by the Committee, it is hoped that we may enlighten good Brethren, so they may excel as tomorrow's leaders of this gentle Craft.

Available Courses

  • Course I - Duties of the Worshipful Master, Senior & Junior Wardens.
  • Course II - Deacons, Appointed Officers, Masonic Symbols and Grand Lodge
  • Course III - Masonic Law and Jurisprudence
  • Course IV - What you need to know as Worshipful Master, Officer of a Lodge or DEO

Future Courses

    • Grand View for Secretaries
    • Grand View for Treasurers

How to Register

At this time, access to the Learning Management System (LMS) is being beta-tested by the Committee on Masonic Education and selected groups. Beta testing is currently closed, and the new LMS will reopen soon. Please check back for updates.